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Chile Heli Skiing Itinerary

For  5/4/3 day packages it will be respectively 5/4/3 ski days, having all the same day 1 while adapting the trip length.

All packages (except Patagonia) finish in Santiago with a night Included at the Santiago Mandarin at the end of the trip.

Day 1 – Saturday

After landing in Santiago, Chile, a POWDER SOUTH representative will meet you at the airport and direct you to our van for ground transportation, or to your reserved helicopter connection, to transport you to your lodging in the mountains. Once at the lodge, you will meet with your heli-ski guide for gear check, briefing, and group selection. Later an avalanche beacon search and safety clinic will be conducted, along with the required helicopter briefing. Welcome Dinner at the Lodge.

Day 2 – Sunday

Immediately after breakfast we walk to the heliport only yards from your room. Soon we will carve our first turns in the pristine Andes, an unforgettable alpine setting of Himalayan proportions. Each group will have a minimum of 1 heli-ski guide, a 4:1 & 5:1 ratio depending on the number of guests and helicopters we use. Today we take it slowly. It will be your first day exposed to the thin air at nearly 15,000 feet elevation in the magnificent surroundings of the dramatic and rugged Central Andes Mountains. Back to Base for the night to a well deserved gourmet dinner at the Lodge.

Day 3 – Monday

After breakfast we gain altitude as we become more comfortable and familiar with the terrain, as well as better acclimatized to the altitude. There is always the possibility of discovering a new landing zone, or virgin terrain never skied or snowboarded before. It is highly likely that you will have the chance to pioneer a few runs with us, since the terrain is vast and much remains unexplored. Return to Base and dinner at the Lodge.

Day 4 – Tuesday

Another exciting day with more runs, powder, and fun! We continue discovering the Andes and tracking fresh snow. Picnic at mid-day, then continue heli-skiing and/or heli-boarding. By this time the group will be well acclimatized and feeling stronger. We may go a bit higher or perhaps move to a different valley, depending on conditions, group strength, and abilities. Return to Base for dinner.

Day 5 – Wednesday

After breakfast we repeat our heli-ski routine. Those who are ready for a break can soak at the nearby hot springs, go horseback riding, choose a day of resort skiing, or simply relax at the Lodge.

Day 6 – Thursday

After breakfast we continue with our exciting program; more heli time, more turns and vertical feet in the majestic Andes Mountains. Return to Base for dinner.

Day 7 – Friday

After breakfast we start our 6th and final day of our heli-ski / heliboard journey into the Andes. After skiing, we pack and transfer you to your 5-star hotel in Santiago, for an enjoyable Friday evening in this cosmopolitan city.

Day 8 – Saturday

Breakfast and relaxing morning at your hotel. You may choose to continue traveling in Chile and South America, or return home.

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